What is Baptism?

Baptism is one of the two sacraments recognized at Plantation United Methodist Church (the other sacrament is Holy Communion). A "sacrament" is a ceremony that mediates divine grace through the use of common elements — in the case of baptism, water. Baptism recognizes that God is already active in the person's life and symbolizes their entry into the family of Christ. At Plantation we baptize both infants and adults.

The Bible tells us that Jesus was baptized by John at the beginning of his ministry. Being a follower of Jesus includes baptism: "Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you. And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age” (Matthew 28:19-20).

For more information about baptism in The United Methodist Church, click here.

Frequently Asked Questions

When and where are baptisms performed?
Baptisms are performed during a regularly scheduled worship service in our Sanctuary. Baptisms must be scheduled a month in advance to reserve the day and time.

Can a baptism be performed somewhere other than the church?
Because we believe that baptism includes the church family, baptisms are performed at worship services. However, there are limited exceptions. Baptisms will be performed outside of regularly scheduled worship services provided there is a compelling reason, with adequate community present, and according to pastor availability.

If I have been baptized in another church, can I be re-baptized at Plantation?
Baptism is an act of God through the grace of Jesus Christ and the work of the Holy Spirit. If a person has been baptized in another denomination, a second baptism is not necessary.

How do I schedule a baptism?
Please complete the Baptism Request form here and return it to the Baptism Coordinator, Julie Bouwen by email. Once the form is received, she will contact you to schedule a time to meet with a pastor regarding baptism. This meeting will take no more than a half-hour. Baptisms will be scheduled after this meeting is completed.